Wound Healing and Migration Assays
In this webinar, Elias Horn introduces a new method for wound healing and migration assays based on the ibidi Culture-Insert. The Culture-Insert produces a precisely defined gap size between two cell patches for time-lapse microscopy. He will present the complete workflow of the assay, from sample preparation and live cell imaging to quantitative image analysis. Various application examples will complete this scientific lecture.

The Wound Healing webinar will focus on the following aspects:
- The idea behind Wound Healing and Migration Assays
- Experimental workflow using the ibidi Culture-Inserts
- Comparison to the scratch assay
- Application examples
Speaker of Wound Healing and Migration Assays Webinar
Elias Horn, ibidi GmbH
Elias Horn works as a product manager for labware and reagents at ibidi. He studied biotechnology at the University of Applied Science, Mittweida. For more than 10 years, he has been working on the development of a wide range of slides and dishes in the Research and Development department at ibidi. Since 2017, he has been part of the ibidi Product Management team.